
2024/07/07 - New Publication
New paper on Journal of Experimental Medicine, in collaboration with the Kajaste group in our Department. For this work, we carried out structural modeling and analysis of the molecular significance of a newly described STING mutation causing endothelial toxicity and SAVI disease. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2024/06/23 - New Preprint
New BioRxiv preprint describing our integrative structural characterization of collagen glycosyltransferase GLT25D1/COLGALT1, highlighting its unusual structural and functional features. - More detailis in the "collagen homeostasis" section.

2024/05/27 - Seminar
Our collaborator Dr. Marina Mapelli, from IEO Milano, will visit us on May 27th. She will give a seminar titled "Molecular mechanisms of Wnt-dependent asymmetric cell divisions".

2024/04/11 - Seminar
Our collaborator Prof. Leonardo Pisani, from the University of Bari, will visit us on April 11th. He will give a seminar titled "Fragment- and structure-based routes addressing new and old-fashioned protein targets".

2024/02/26 - New Publication
New paper on Frontiers in Immunology, in collaboration with the Benigni/Remuzzi groups at the Mario Negri Institute. For this work, we generated modified recombinant PLA2R constructs that were used to generate and characterize new Bi-specific Autoantigen-T cell Engager molecules. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2023/11/16 - New Publication
New paper on Biomaterials, in collaboration with the group of Margherita Morpurgo in Padova. In this work, we prepared modified recombinant hACE2 ectodomain fragments suitable for conjugation on Avidin-Nucleic-Acid-NanoASsembly (ANANAS) particles, capable of trapping SARS-CoV-2 as cellular decoys. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2023/11/02 - New Publication
New paper on the World Allergy Organization Journal describing the characterization of IgE responses to recombinant mosquito salivary antigens, including LIPS-2. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2023/08/25 - New Publication
New paper on Scientific Reports describing the identification of Carbonic Anhydrase IV enzymes in the femoral gland secretions of mediterranean lizards. An interesting collaboration with the Natural Sciences and Ecology group of Prof. Roberto Sacchi at the Department of Earth Sciences - Browse the List of our Publications.

2023/07/25 - New Publication
New paper on Science Signaling (highlighted on the Science homepage!) describing the molecular characterization of human Pikachurin and the joint efforts with the group of Prof. Kirill Martemyanov at Scripps Florida to study the interactions between Pikachurin and orphan GPCR GPR179. - Browse the List of our Publications


2023/07/05 - New Publication
New paper on the International Journal of Molecular Sciences providing a comprehensive characterization of LH/PLOD glycosyltransferase domain, using a combination of molecular structure data, mutagenesis, biochemistry and inhibitor developement. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2023/03/31 - Seminar
Prof. Giovanna Musco, from the San Raffaele Research Institute in Milano, will visit us on March 27th. She will give a seminar titled "Pharmacological targeting of chemokine-chemokine interactions: the strange story of HMGB1-CXCL12 heterocomplex".

2022/11/12 - We are on Mastodon
Given the current turbulence at Twitter, we decided to expand our social network presence and together with many oother fellow scientists, we joined Mastodon. Follow us!

2022/11/01 - New Publication
New Protein Science paper describing the characterization of a new anti-PD-1 antibody developed by our collaborators from Philochem AG, and its mechanism of recognition of the PD-1 antigen. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2022/10/05 - New Publication
New Molecular Neurobiology paper describing the creation and evaluation of biological functions of NT-mini, a C-terminal construct recapitulating the functions of human Neurotrypsin. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2022/07/13 - New Publication
New Current Biology paper describing a multi-disciplinary journey that led to the discovery of a new saliva-driven feedback mechanism in mosquitoes enabling probing prior to bloodfeeding, paving the way to the development of next-generation mosquito deterrents. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2022/07/11 - New Publication
New Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences paper describing how, using a combination of molecular simulations and experimental biochemistry and biophysics, we rationalized the roles of Fe2+ as a simultaneous cofactor and inhibitor of human lysyl hydroyxlase enzymes. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2022/05/31 - PhD Fellowship Opportunity
The IUSS Pavia call for applications is open - DEADLINE JUNE 15th. If you want to join our group as PhD student in the Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology program, follow the instructions on the IUSS Website and apply for a Fellowship! - More information about open positions.

2022/05/01 - New Publication
New Acta Cryst F paper describing the high-resolution crystal structure of human ROR1 kringle domain. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2022/01/03 - The start of a new year
Best wishes for a successful 2022 to everyone! Our team has experienced several challenges and we are ready to tackle new scientific challenges. We wish best of luck to our senior postdoc Luigi Scietti, who got a tenured position as Head of Facility at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO) in Milano, to Tiziano Ongaro, joining Novartis in Basel, and to Serena Pantalone, who will soon defend her PhD thesis and in the meantime will already start her new position in Pharma R&D. We welcome new PhD student Stefano Liberi, who"s been awarded a 3-years PhD fellowship from IUSS, and new Master Student Giorgia D"Angelo.

2021/09/23 - PASS-BioMed visit
We recorded a video for the European Researcher's night showing our light and electron microscopy facilities and their applications for cellular and molecular studies.

2021/09/22 - Changes in the team
Several changes in our team at the end of Summer 2021. We wish best of luck to Cristina Arrigoni, who"s been awarded a MSCA-IF Reintegration Fellowship and will move to our neighboring Department of Molecular Medicine. We also say goodbye to Carlo Bidoia, who got a job in industry. We also welcome new postdoc Daiana Mattoteia, who got a University Fellowship to carry out investigations in our lab, and the new Bachelor Student Chiara Pratesi.

2021/08/23 - New Publications
Two new papers describing results from excellent collaborations. In Nature Communications, with Pradella et al. we report on a ligand-insensitive UNC5B splicing isoform involved in angiogenesis and apoptosis. In Translational Research, with Koenig et al. we report on new PLOD1 mutations hinting on implications of the enzyme in human vascular disease and hint towards unprecedented glycosyltransferase functions of this molecule.- Browse the List of our Publications.

2021/06/30 - New Publication
New Brain Sciences paper describing ELISA assays we carried out using lab-produced SARS-Cov2 RBD proteins to investigate seroprevalence in autistic subjects. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2021/05/03 - Open Position
A Postdoctoral position is available for the study macromolecular complexes involved in collagen biosynthesis. Start date: Sept 1st, 2021. Details of the Call [PDF] - Check the open positions page.

2021/04/20 - New Publication
New Bio Protocol paper describing our optimized strategies for recombinant protein production of secreted proteins using suspension-cultured HEK293 cells. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2021/03/31 - Goodbye, and good luck
Today is the last day in the lab of two former PhD students, who spent nearly five years in our team. We wish good luck with their new yourneys to Francesca De Giorgi and to Salvatore R. Guarino. We also send our congratulations to our M.S. student Manfredi Alberti for successfully defending his M.S. thesis in Neurobiology cum laude.

2021/03/25 - Cover image!
An artwork describing the results published in our recent Journal of Structural Biology paper about structural characterizations of clinical-grade immunocytokines has been selected for the cover of the March issue of the journal.

Immunocytokine-Space Invaders Cover

Cover Caption: To effectively "invade" the tumor microenvironment, immunocytokines must overcome physicochemical challenges as in the "space invaders" videogame. Optimization of the immunocytokine format is essential for their performance. In this issue of the Journal of Structural Biology, on page 107696, Ongaro, Guarino et al. discuss the inference of structural biology for quality control and rational design of immunocytokine therapeutic agents.

2021/03/12 - New Publication
New Biochemical Society Transactions review describing the current knowledge around the enzymes responsible for collagen hydroxylysine glycosylations. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2021/01/26 - New Publication
New Journal of Structural Biology paper describing the characterization of three clinical-grade immunocytokines produced by our collaborators at Philochem AG. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2020/11/21 - Featured on Nature Italy
The newborn journal Nature Italy posted a featured article about shape-shifting laboratory research activities in the difficult COVID-19 times. The article features the activities currently progressing in our laboratory related to recombinant coronavirus protein production and ongoing national and international collaborations. Article in English - Article in Italian.

2020/01/24 - Symposium
We are pleased to announce the Inaugural Symposium of the UniPV PASS-BioMed facilities, the newly established "Piattaforma Avanzata di Strumentazione Scientifica" at the University of Pavia, which features state-of-the-art instrumentation in the fields of Cryo-Electron Microscopy (Cryo-EM), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), High Performance Computing (HPC), High Resolution Mass Spectrometry (HRMS), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), micro-CT Imaging and Super-Resolution Optical Microscopy. We have arranged an exciting scientific program with excellent international speakers, and a guided visit to the new infrastructures will be part of the symposium. Participation is free, but places are limited. Updates regarding the symposium will be posted directly on its dedicated web page.

2020/10/01 - Changes in the Team
We congratulate our former MS students Lorenzo Rossi and Martina Soffientini for their successful conclusion of their MS internships, and welcome new team members Cristina Arrigoni as visiting scientist, Giulia Mancini as PhD student (IUSS Fellow), and MS students Lisa Negro, Matteo De Marco, and Irene Ferraris who just joined our research group for their internships.

2020/07/29 - New Publication
New Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology paper describing IgG Antibody Responses to the Aedes albopictus 34k2 Salivary Protein as Novel Candidate Marker of Human Exposure to the Tiger Mosquito. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2020/05/20 - Press Release
Together with the European Institute of Oncology (IEO), we launched a press release about our protein production activity for development of cheap and reliable COVID-19 serological assays Full Press release PDF (in Italian) - Press release on UniPV News Website (in Italian)

2020/05/22 - On TV!
Today the National Scientific News program TG Leonardo broadcasted a long video about our protein production activity related to COVID-19 research.

2020/05/21 - On TV!
Together with the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, we have developed sierological tests for epidemiological investigations in Italy. The video was broadcasted on the National News (TG1). - More videos from TG4 and TG3 Regione Lombardia

2020/04/06 - New Publication
New Genes paper describing differences between the etiology of orofacial clefting and gastric cancer associated to CDH1 mutation. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2020/04/03 - On TV!
Since the coronavirus outbreak, we have been looking for groups who could benefit of our protein production technologies. We have now teamed with the European Institute of Oncology in Milan to develop sierological tests searching for coronavirus antibodies. The video is from the interview we gave yesterday to RAI Tg3 Lombardia.

2020/02/24 - In the news!
The UniPV news portal, is talking about the grant from the Mizutani Foundation for Glycoscience we just obtained: Al prof. Federico Forneris uno dei prestigiosi finanziamenti della Mizutani Foundation di Tokyo

2020/01/10 - New Publication
New Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences paper reviewing the molecular knowledge about extracellular neuromuscular junction organizers. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2019/12/06 - New Publication
New PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases paper describing modeling of Piwi proteins from Aedes albopictus mosquitoes to understand their functional specialization. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2019/11/25 - Seminar
On Monday Nov 25th, starting at 11:30 AM (Aula Buzzati-Traverso), we will host a seminar from Dr. Paolo Swuec (Dept. Biosciences, University of Milano), titled Architecture and Dynamics of Macromolecules Revealed by Cryo-Electron Microscopy.

2019/10/17 - New Publication
New PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases paper describing 34k2 salivary proteins from Aedes mosquitoes as novel promising candidate markers of host exposure. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2019/10/17 - Seminar
On Tuesday Oct 17th, starting at 2:00 PM (Aula Buzzati-Traverso), we will host a seminar from Prof. Billy G. Hudson (Vanderbilt University Medical Centre, Nashville, USA), titled Cracking the Code for Goodpasture Autoimmune Disease.

2019/10/01 - Seminar
On Tuesday Oct 1st, starting at 2:00 PM (Aula Buzzati-Traverso), we will host a seminar from Dr. Dario Bonanomi (San Raffaele Institute, Milan), titled Axon Pathfinding and Neurovascular Interactions in Motor System Development.

2019/09/25 - Open Day
In the framework of the European and Global Biotech Week, and the European Researcher's Night, e look forward to hosting high school students, teachers, and curious people to our "Scienziati in Prova" (i.e., Tryout Scientists) on Sept 25th and 26th. We will do some experiments together and discuss about the importance and the impact of biotechnology research!

Scienziati in Prova 2019

2019/09/01 - Welcome new postdoc
We welcome Marco Fumagalli, who already collaborated with us and now joined our group as postdoc.

2019/07/31 - Good luck, Ale
We wish best of luck to our postdoc Alessandro Di Cosimo, who is leaving us and will soon start his new job in industry.

2019/07/26 - Well done, Lucrezia!
We congratulate with our student Lucrezia Vittoria Viti, who successfully defended her Master thesis in Molecular Biology and Genetics and graduated summa cum laude!

2019/06/25 - Press Release
The Armenise-Harvard Foundation, together with Fondazione Cariplo and the University of Pavia launched a joint press release about our latest papers describing SiMPLOD on JBMR and structural mapping of new PLOD3 gene mutations on JMG. - Full press release (PDF, in Italian) - Press release on UniPV News Website (in Italian)

2019/07/10 - Lecture @HMS
Federico has been invited to give a lecture one of the Armenise Lectures at Harvard Medical School. The lecture will be titled Molecular architecture, interactions and function of neuromuscular synapse organizers.

2019/05/30 - New Publication
New Journal of Medical Genetics paper describing new PLOD3 mutations possibly involved in Stickler syndrome. In this work, we contributed to network efforts aimed at understanding molecular significance of these new pathogenic PLOD variants (and we also annotated them in our SiMPLOD database). - Browse the List of our Publications.

2019/05/30 - Seminar
On Thursday May 30th, starting at 2:00 PM (Aula Jucci), we will host a seminar from Prof. Pascal Kienlen-Campard (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), titled How protein folding drives the onset and the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

2019/04/09 - New Publication
New Cell Reports paper from Mattevi's Group describing the cryo-EM characterization of the LSD2-NPAC-Nucleosome multimeric complex. In this work, we collaborated by taking care of solution SAXS analyses of macromolecular complexes. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2019/03/05 - New Publication
New eLife paper from our collaborators at CNR Pavia describing a new splice variant of L1CAM generated by NOVA2-mediated alternative splicing. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2019/02/26 - Congratulations to our Students
We congratulate with our students Paolo De Angelis and Giansalvo Barbalinardo, who successfully defended their Master theses in Neurobiology and both graduated summa cum laude!

2019/02/12 - New Publication
New Protein Science paper describing the crystal structure of Neurotrypsin SRCR3. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2019/01/30 - New Publication
New Journal of Bone and Mineral Research paper describing SiMPLOD, our structure-integrated database of collagen lysyl hydroxylase (LH/PLOD) enzyme variants. - Explore SiMPLOD - Browse the List of our Publications

SiMPLOD database

2018/12/14 - New Publication
New Insect Molecular Biology paper describing the crystal structure and biochemical characterization of Ceratitis capitata OBP22. - Browse the List of our Publications.

2018/12/01 - Welcome new students
We welcome new students Giulia Mancini, Martina Soffientini, Marta Zavattieri, and Lorenzo Rossi who will stay with us for their experimental thesis internships.

2018/11/30 - Seminar
On Friday December 7th, at 2:30 PM (Aula Buzzati-Traverso), we will host the seminar of Dr. Claudio Iacobucci (Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Bioanalytics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany), titled "In-Vitro and In-Cell Cross-Linking/Mass Spectrometry: from 3D-Protein Structure Investigations to Proteome-Wide Interactome Studies".

2018/10/25 - Well done, Cristina!
We send our warmest congratulations to our MS fellow Cristina Capitanio, who successfully defended her Master thesis in Molecular Biology and Genetics and graduated cum laude!

2018/10/01 - Changes in the team
We wish good luck to our postdoc Matteo Campioni for his new adventure outside academia, and we welcome Serena Pantalone, who has been awarded a University of Pavia/Institute for Superior Studies (IUSS) 3-years PhD fellowship and chose our lab to perform her research.

2018/09/21 - In the news!
ResearchItaly, the online portal of Italian Research, is talking about our results: Cancer: study unveils the molecular structure of LH3, the enzyme involved in metastases

2018/09/05 - Press Release
AIRC, together with Fondazione Cariplo, Armenise-Harvard Foundation and the University of Pavia launched a joint press release about our latest New Nature Communications paper. - Full press release (PDF, in Italian) - Press release on UniPV News Website (in Italian) - Press release on Fondazione Cariplo Website (in Italian)

2018/09/18 - In the news!
Our results on LH3 keep on attracting the attention of Italian newspapers:

  • L'enzima che spiana la strada alle metastasi (Repubblica, 18-09-2018)
  • L'origine delle metastasi ora è meno misteriosa (Rivista Idea, 13-09-2018)
  • 2018/09/07 - In the news!
    Our Luigi (biologist, father and football player) is a star in the local news today:

  • Da Graffignana la sfida alle metastasi (Il Cittadino, 07-09-2018)

  • 2018/09/06 - In the news!
    Our results on LH3 attracted the attention of Italian newspapers:

  • L'Università svela l'enzima per combattere le metastasi (Corriere della Sera Milano, 06-09-2018)
  • L'Ateneo di Pavia sferra un altro attacca al cancro (Il Giorno, 06-09-2018)
  • Scoperta all'università la molecola anti-cancro (La Provincia Pavese, 06-09-2018)
  • 2018/08/08 - New Publication
    New Nature Communications paper describing the crystal structures of human collagen lysyl hydroxylase LH3. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2018/07/31 - New Publication
    New Frontiers in Pharmacology paper describing a site-directed mutagenesis approach to validate previously published docking results on Burkholderia CepI synthase. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2018/07/25 - Well done Chiara!
    Today our MS undergrad Maria Chiara Capillo, successfully obtained her Master thesis cum laude, congratulations!

    2018/07/09 - Anselmo got an EMBO fellowship!
    Our PhD fellow Anselmo Canciani, has been awarded a short-term EMBO Fellowship to perform cell biology experiments in Belgium, congratulations!

    2018/04/24 - Well done Dr. Martina!
    We send our warmest congratulations to our PhD fellow Martina Palamini, who successfully defended her PhD thesis at IUSS.

    2017/11/24 - Twitter!
    We created a lab twitter account to share interesting moments, papers, results. .

    2017/10/27 - A special lecture
    This year's inaugural lecture at the University of Pavia will be given by Federico. This is one of the greatest honors at our University. This lecture, titled "Osservare la Vita - Una Molecola alla Volta" (Watching Life - One Molecule at a Time) will take place on November 13th, in Aula Magna (Pavia City Centre). Program of the Inaugural Ceremony.

    2017/10/25 - Congratulations to Angela
    We wish to send our congratulations to Angela Andonaia (MS Biology) for successfully defending her Master thesis.

    2017/10/01 - The group is growing!
    We wish to send our warmest welcome to Francesca De Giorgi, who has been awarded a University of Pavia/Institute for Superior Studies (IUSS) 3-years PhD fellowship and chose our lab to perform her research. We also welcome new undergraduate students Maria Chiara Capillo, Luca De Benedittis, Paolo De Angelis and Giansalvo Barbalinardo, who started their MS internship in our lab.

    2017/09/25 - Cristina is in the News!
    Our Master student Cristina Capitanio, who went to Boston for the Armenise-Harvard Summer School, has been interviewed by the local newspaper Read the Article on the local news and on the UniPV website. Congratulations!

    2017/09/25 - European Biotechnology Week
    Our group will participate to the local organization of the events within the European Biotechnology Week. On Friday morning, we will host a session dedicated to molecular and structural biology with high school students and the public.

    2017/09/07 - Cryo-EM school was a great success
    The International school "Bridging the gab between Cryo-EM and Crystallography", organized by Federico and held in Pavia in the past days, was a great success

    2017/09/14 - Seminars
    On Thursday September 14th, starting at 2:30 PM (Aula Buzzati-Traverso), we will host two seminars. The first will be from Prof. Pascal Kienlen-Campard (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), titled Folding APP Membrane Regions: The shape of Alzheimer's disease to come. The second will be from Dr. Serena Stanga (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium), titled APP and Presenilins: function and role in neurodegenerative and neuromuscular diseases.

    2017/07/03 - New Publication
    New Nature Structural and Molecular Biology paper describing the crystal structures of C3b-miniFH and C3b-miniFH-FI complexes and their biological relevance in complement regulation. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2017/02/22 - Congratulations to Cristina
    We congratulate with our student Cristina Capitanio, who's been selected for a prestigious Armenise-Harvard Summer Fellowship, and will spend the summer in Boston in a HMS lab.

    2017/02/16 - Cryo-EM School
    We are pleased to announce the 2017 edition of the Italian Association for Crystallography (AIC) International Crystallography School (AICS2017). This year's school title will be "Bridging the gap between cryo-EM and crystallography". The school will be held in Pavia, Italy, from 3 to 6 September 2017.

    2017/02/08 - Antonella got a H2020 MSCA Fellowship
    We congratulate with Antonella Chiapparino, who's been awarded a 2-years Marie Curie Fellowship from EU for her project COTETHERS. - UniPV News (in Italian).

    2017/02/02 - New Publication
    New PNAS commentary discussing single-molecule holography applied to macromolecular complexes as a new structural biology approach. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2016/12/28 - New Publication
    New Journal of Investigative Dermatology paper describing a novel rare syndrome caused by VPS33B mutations affecting Rab protein interaction and collagen modification. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2017/01/16 - Seminar
    On Thursday January 26th, at 12:00 AM (Aula Buzzati-Traverso), we will host the seminar of Prof. Dario Neri (ETH Zurich, Switzerland), titled "From encoded combinatorial libraries to targeted therapeutics".

    2017/01/16 - Seminar
    On Tuesday January 17th, at 11:30 AM (Aula A), we will host the seminar of Martina Maritan (GSK Siena), titled "Structural characterization of the immune response to NHBA vaccine antigen".

    2016/11/30 - New Publication
    New Plos ONE paper describing the biochemical characterization of glutamate racemase from B. cenocepacia and the discovery of new inhibitors. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2016/10/24 - Congratulations to our student
    We wish to send our congratulations to Eugenio Franzoso (BS Biotechnology) for successfully defending his Bachelor thesis.

    2016/10/03 - The Group is Growing!
    We welcome Salvatore Rocco Guarino, who's been awarded a University of Pavia/Institute for Superior Studies (IUSS) 3-years fellowship to carry on with his PhD research in our lab.

    2016/10/01 - Congratulations to our students
    We wish to send our congratulations to Cristina Capitanio (BS Biological Sciences) and Francesco Melpignano (MS Biotechnology) for successfully defending their Bachelor and Master theses, respectively, with highest grades!

    2016/08/22 - New Publication
    New Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences review illustrating contemporary structural biology tools to identify and visualize flexibility in macromolecular structures. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2016/07/20 - New Publication
    New Nature Communications paper describing the discovery of a new post-Golgi trafficking pathway for the enzyme LH3/PLOD3 critical for collagen homeostasis. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2016/09/09 - New Publication
    New Science Advances paper describing the unusual features of two new classes of non-covalent LSD1 inhibitors. - Watch the Movie - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2016/09/01 - New Publication
    New Scientific Reports paper describing the discovery of novel inhibitors of B. cenocepacia quorum sensing CepI enzyme and their biochemical characterization. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2016/07/27 - Press Release
    The Armenise-Harvard Foundation and the University of Pavia launched a joint press release about our latest New Nature Communications paper. - Full press release (PDF, in Italian) - Press release on UniPV News Website (in Italian) - Local News (in Italian): 1, 2.

    2016/06/13 - Seminar
    On Monday June 13th, at 3:00 PM (Aula Buzzati-Traverso), we will host the seminar of Louris J. Feitsma (Bijvoet Centre, Utrecht University, The Netherlands), titled "Evasion of innate immunity by Staphylococcus aureus: How SSL3 inhibits TLR2".

    2016/05/20 - New Publication
    New Biochemistry paper describing the crystal structure of B. cenocepacia DfsA, a candidate target for structure-based drug design against cystic fibrosis. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2016/04/01 - Goodbye Kaouthar, Welcome Antonella!
    After two years in our lab, we would like to thank our (now) former postdoctoral fellow Kaouthar Dridi for the help and all the good times in the lab, and wish her good luck for her future. At the same time, we wish to send our warmest welcome to Antonella Chiapparino, who's been selected as new postdoctoral fellow in our lab.

    2016/03/25 - New Publication
    New EMBO Journal paper showing the three-dimensional structures of various human and viral complement regulators in complex with protein C3b and exploring their functional features, providing a comprehensive validation to numerous biochemical investigations performed during the last 10-15 years about the specific functions of these molecules and their implications in multiple chronic and genetic diseases. - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2016/03/24 - New Publication
    New Proteins paper describing the three-dimensional structure of 7beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, explaining its stereoselectivity by comparing it with homologous 7alpha dehydrogenase - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2016/01/18 - The group is growing!
    We wish to send our warmest welcome to Luigi Scietti, who's been selected as postdoctoral fellow in our lab.

    2015/12/15 - Congratulations to our students.
    We wish to congratulate with our Master Students Alfonso Martinisi and Rameez Arshad, and with our Bachelor Student Giovanni Tagliasacchi, for their successful M.S. and B.S. defenses, and we wish them best of luck in their future careers!

    2015/11/09 - Greetings from Rome.
    Yesterday we participated to a meeting organized by the Armenise-Harvard Foundation in the Italian Senate, Sala Zuccari, Rome. Here is a photo of our team:

    2015/10/01 - The group is growing!
    We wish to send our warmest welcome to Anselmo Canciani, who has been awarded a University of Pavia/Institute for Superior Studies (IUSS) 3-years PhD fellowship and chose our lab to perform his research.

    2015/10/01 - Undergraduate Student.
    We welcome Francesco Melpignano as new undergraduate student in the lab.

    2015/05/27 - New Publication
    New Proteins paper describing the three-dimensional structure of LOG protein from C.purpurea and some bioinformatics-related characterization of LOG proteins - Browse the List of our Publications.

    2015/05/26 - PhD Position Available
    A PhD fellowship is available. - CALL CLOSED

    2015/03/06 - Lab Retreat
    From Thursday, March 25th, to Saturday, March 27th, we will join our colleagues from the Pavia Structural Biology Division and will gather at Park Hotel Olimpia at Brallo di Pregola for networking, excellent science, and good food!

    2015/02/02 - The group is growing!
    We welcome Matteo Campioni, who's been selected as new postdoctoral research assistant in our lab.

    2014/11/03 - The group is growing!
    We wish to send our warmest welcome to Martina Palamini, who's has been awarded a University of Pavia/Institute for Superior Studies (IUSS) 3-years PhD fellowship and chose our lab to perform her research.

    2014/09/18 - Simone is M.S.
    We wish our warmest congratulations to our internship student Simone Savino, who defended his master thesis today and got his M.S. in Molecular Biology and Genetics.

    2014/05/15 - The group is growing!
    Undergraduate student Simone Savino joined our lab for his master internship.

    2014/03/14 - The group is growing!
    We wish to send our warmest welcome to Kaouthar Dridi, who's been selected as new postdoctoral research assistant in our lab.

    2014/03/02 - Interview to Federico.
    The University of Pavia WebTV released an interview (in Italian) taken last week to Federico in the lab to illustrate his research programs.

    2014/02/10 - Federico got a new grant.
    Federico has been selected as winner of "Programma Giovani Ricercatori Rita Levi-Montalcini" grant. Through this grant our group will extend the investigation on important bio-medical targets of the neuromuscular junctions and establish new research infrastructure in our department.

    2014/01/20 - Postdoctoral position closed.
    We wish to thank all the enthusiastic applicants that have sent their CV for consideration for the postdoctoral position. The selections are now completed and the new postdoctoral fellow that will join our team will be announced soon.

    2014/01/07 - Undergraduate Students.
    We welcome Rameez Arshad and Alfonso Martinisi as new undergraduate students in the lab.

    2013/10/22 - Welcome to the Armenise-Harvard Structural Biology Laboratory!
    Thanks to the financial support from the Armenise-Harvard Foundation, we started our research activity in structural biology. Through this page, we will publish updates about our research, as well as curiosities and achievements obtained during the lab activity.