We study the molecular mechanisms of recognition and regulation that underlie biological processes in large extracellular macromolecular complexes using an integrative structural biology approach. We are part of the Structural Biology Groups at the University of Pavia. In our website you can find information about our research interests, our team, our collaborators, and how to interact with us.

Latest News:

2024/04/11 - Seminar
Our collaborator Prof. Leonardo Pisani, from the University of Bari, will visit us on March 27th. He will give a seminar titled "Fragment- and structure-based routes addressing new and old-fashioned protein targets".

2024/02/26 - New Publication
New paper on Frontiers in Immunology, in collaboration with the Benigni/Remuzzi groups at the Mario Negri Institute. For this work, we generated modified recombinant PLA2R constructs that were used to generate and characterize new Bi-specific Autoantigen-T cell Engager molecules. - Browse the List of our Publications.

The Armenise-Harvard Laboratory of Structural Biology
Department of Biology and Biotechnology "L. Spallanzani"
University of Pavia
Via Ferrata, 9
I-27100 PAVIA (Italy)
Tel. +39 0382 985228 (Office) - +39 0382 985554 (Lab) - Fax. +39 0382 528496