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Lysyl Hydroxylase 2a (human)

Gene and cDNA details and annotations
NCBI Entrez Gene id: 5352 - Refseq: NM_000935.2 - Sequence viewer
HGNC: 9082 - ENSEMBL: ENSG00000152952 - UCSC: uc003evr.2 - GenAtlas: 6102
NCBI CCDS id: CCDS3131 - NCBI Nuccore: NG_009251.1

Protein details and annotations
Uniprot: O00469 - NCBI Protein: NP_000926.2 - KEGG: K13645
InterPro - Pfam - Protein Sequence

Clinical annotations
OMIM: 601865 - Orphanet: 117892 - LOVD: PLOD2 - DECIPHER: PLOD2

Available molecular coordinates for download:
- homology model of full-length, dimeric human LH2a (generated using the crystal structure of full-length human LH3 as template) - Model details
  this is a homology model: this model has been generated using an experimentally-determined template and represents a prediction of the actual LH2a structure.. At the moment, no experimental human LH2a structures are available

structural representation of Lysyl Hydroxylase 2a (human)

Thank you for using SiMPLOD - Created by Fornerislab@UniPV  - Last curated update: 1970-01-01 00:00:00
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