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Search results for keyword '8621606':
- annotated PLOD mutations (1)

- LH1 ASN163GLN - View

- registered publications (1)

- Pirskanen, A., A. M. Kaimio, R. Myllyla and K. I. Kivirikko (1996). "Site-directed mutagenesis of human lysyl hydroxylase expressed in insect cells. Identification of histidine residues and an aspartic acid residue critical for catalytic activity." J Biol Chem 271(16): 9398-9402 - DOI - PubMed - Mutations

The table below is currently showing ALL MUTATION TYPES yielding ALL PHENOTYPES on ALL PROTEINS, Regardless if PUBLISHED or UNPUBLISHED
with records containing the keyword "8621606".
SiMPLOD ID Isoenzyme Mutation Disease phenotype CLINVAR Reference papers Viewer
SiMPLOD1-57 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 ASN163GLN
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996 View
SiMPLOD1-58 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 ASN197GLN
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-62 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 ASN538GLN
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-63 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 ASN686SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-77 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 ASP491ALA
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-79 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 ASP638ALA
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-80 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 ASP674ALA
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-81 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 ASP648ALA
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-82 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 ASP658ALA
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-108 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS088SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-109 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS225SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-110 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS241SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-115 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS474SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-119 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS517SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-121 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS536SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-122 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS613SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-123 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS656SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-124 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS657SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-125 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS700SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-127 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS706SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996
SiMPLOD1-129 Lysyl Hydroxylase 1 (human) LH1 HIS708SER
Biochemical mutation (not necessary related to observed polymorphisms)
Mutation for Biochemical Studies (not necessarily related to observed polymorphisms)
NA Pirskanen et al., 1996

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