From this page you can gather additional details and download molecular coordinates:
Gene and cDNA details and annotations |
NCBI Entrez Gene id: 8985 - Refseq: NM_001084.4 - Sequence viewer |
HGNC: 9083 - ENSEMBL: ENSG00000106397 - UCSC: uc003uyd.4 - GenAtlas: 6873 |
NCBI CCDS id: CCDS5715 - NCBI Nuccore: NG_012148.1 |
Protein details and annotations |
Uniprot: O60568 - NCBI Protein: NP_001075.1 - KEGG: K13646 |
InterPro - Pfam - Protein Sequence |
Clinical annotations |
OMIM: 603066 - Orphanet: 304172 - LOVD: PLOD3 - DECIPHER: PLOD3 |
Available molecular coordinates for download: - homology model of full-length, dimeric human LH3 (generated using the crystal structure of full-length human LH3 as template) - Model details this is a homology model: this model has been generated using an experimentally-determined template and represents a prediction of the actual LH3 structure.. This homology model completes the available 3D structures of LH3, including flexible loops and more extended glycans compared to those experimentally visible in crystal structures. - dimeric structure of LH3 in complex with Fe2+ and 2-OG (from PDB id 6FXK) this model is based on the experimentally-determined crystal structure 6FXK, deposited in the Protein data Bank and published in Scietti et al., 2018 - dimeric structure of LH3 in complex with Fe2+, 2-OG and Mn2+ (from PDB id 6FXM) this model is based on the experimentally-determined crystal structure 6FXM, deposited in the Protein data Bank and published in Scietti et al., 2018 - dimeric structure of LH3 in complex with Fe2+, 2-OG, Mn2+ and UDP-Galactose (from PDB id 6FXR) this model is based on the experimentally-determined crystal structure 6FXR, deposited in the Protein data Bank and published in Scietti et al., 2018 - dimeric structure of LH3 in complex with Fe2+, 2-OG, Mn2+ and UDP-Glucose (from PDB id 6FXT) this model is based on the experimentally-determined crystal structure 6FXT, deposited in the Protein data Bank and published in Scietti et al., 2018 |
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